Audio Course: Sacred Connection - Entering the Realm of Non-Ordinary Intelligence

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It’s an intense time in our world and the only real response is for each of us to clearly align with our own spiritual essence. NOW is the time to be doing deep work. 

If you’ve been haunted by a vision, if there’s something you’re too afraid to look at, if you feel inadequate for the healing work that’s claimed you, if your current spiritual practice is not connecting you with your own sacred wisdom, it’s time to honor the call. Everything else is noise and distraction.

We humans are brilliant when we we allow Something greater than ourselves to move through us.

And no matter how much we push, intend and effort, it’s clear that we don’t often have all the answers that we seek.

But Something else does.

In this course you'll open third space—a field of potent Source energies and powerful intelligence that is not of this world. These Source energies are deeply transformative, and aligning with them requires that we open a ‘third’ channel of knowing. 

Only this realm knows what you need for your whole life to change.

As you anchor in this vibrational field, you’ll discover new spaces of possibility, as well as a flow, grace, ease, strength, and clarity that you didn’t know was so readily available.

Experience peace, spiritual openness, and deep trust.

Uncover the core vibration that wants to be set in motion.

Discover inner resources & possibilities that can’t be revealed any other way.

This course is not designed for those who float on the surface of creativity and spirituality… it’s for people who are committed to depth.

If something deep is nudging you, if you have a gift you’re scared to step into but know you must, if you’ve been haunted by a vision, if you’re resisting a call from Spirit because it feels way too big, this realm is calling you. Some of us need a strong connection with Spirit to do the pioneering work we’ve been called to do. Course taught live October 2020.

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Audio Course: Sacred Connection - Entering the Realm of Non-Ordinary Intelligence

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